Viper Wall Defender III
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Manufacturer: GLD Products

The latest and largest innovation in protecting your wall from errant dart throws is here with the Viper Defender III Dartboard Surround! This stylish V-Foam surround requires no installation tools, just snap it together around your dartboard and you are ready to play! This tough and durable defender will stand up to the most wicked throws, should an errant throw slip by. The deep black color adorning this board will match the black in any Viper dartboard and will blend seamlessly with any decor. The extended profile of the Defender III covers an amazing 8.2 square feet! Take the guesswork out of deciding which board to purchase, as this surrounding defender will fit perfectly with any regulation sized (17.75") sisal or bristle dartboard!

  • Defend your wall from dents and dings with this foam surround.
  • Constructed from one inch thick high density V-Foam for great protection.
  • Protects your wall for an astonishing 8.2 square feet!
  • Fits perfectly on most regulation, 17.75”, sisal and bristle dartboards with no need for adjustment.
  • Engineered to form fit tightly compressed against the wall and board. No hardware required!
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