Westside Discs Origio Burst Warship Midrange Driver
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Manufacturer: Westside Discs

1 IN STOCK OF PINK. Speed: 5 Glide: 6 Turn: 0 Fade: 1

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The first color listed will be the main primary color and the next color listed will be the secondary color. Please give some exceptions as the amount of color and burst in each disc will vary. For example, Blue "primary"/ Smoke "secondary".

The Warship is our answer to the everyday players need for a midrange. Designed to be user friendly for all levels it holds a straight line and feels great in the hand. For faster arm speeds it will fly straight and will be very controllable. For lower arm speeds it will hold a straight line and finish to the left for right handed players and right for left handed players. The Westside Warship has a great float and flight and is our fastest midrange in our line.

About Origio Plastic:
Grip. That was the intention. Make a plastic that feels great and is easy to throw. Origio is that solution. In the same way that Prime for Dynamic Discs and Retro for Latitude 64 brought this incredible plastic to their line of discs, Origio now makes your favorite Westside discs feel that much better.

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