Westside Discs Origio Burst Queen Distance Driver
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Manufacturer: Westside Discs

1 OF EACH COLOR IN STOCK. Speed: 14 Glide: 5 Turn: -3 Fade: 2

Shade of disc color may vary. For example, yellow can be a mustard yellow or a bright yellow.

Stamp color will vary.

A strong Queen has the same qualities as that of a King, just in a smaller package. This Queen is just as fast as its counterpart but has a noticeably smaller feel in the hand. Great as a bomber or a stand still surgical instrument. The Queen will rule your bag with the right mix of grace and power. Now available in VIP and Tournament.

About Origio Plastic: Grip. That was the intention. Make a plastic that feels great and is easy to throw. Origio is that solution. In the same way that Prime for Dynamic Discs and Retro for Latitude 64 brought this incredible plastic to their line of discs, Origio now makes your favorite Westside discs feel that much better.

Product Num:
Product Numbers:
64536069-SMK, 64536069-BLU
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