Viper 850 Electronic Dartboard
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Manufacturer: GLD Products

15.5" Regulation Target - Accessories Included

Experience next level darts with the Viper 850. This dart board features a regulation 15.5” target area made out of high-grade nylon and designed to handle up to 20 gram soft tip darts. This electronic dart board has 50 dart games and 470 scoring options so you can play how you want to. We’ve made sure to include the popular games 01 and Cricket, as well as a handicap feature. The Viper 850 supports up to 8 player multiplayer so everyone can join in on the fun! Even when no one else is available, you won’t need to play alone. The Viper 850 has a computer player you can go up against in games of 01. With this dartboard’s ultra-bright LED display, you can easily see your score no matter the distance, and with automatic scorekeeping, you can focus on the fun. Included with this soft tip dart board are six starter soft tip darts, a throwline measuring tape, and an AC power adapter.
  • Top Quality Segments - Electronic dart board has a regulation 15.5” target area with durable segments separated by an ultra-thin spider for long-lasting fun
  • 50 Games for up to 8 Players - Includes popular games like 01, Cricket, and more; with over 470 scoring options and up to 8 players, everyone can join in on the fun
  • Enhanced Scoring Experience - Automatic scoring with options for split/full bull, double in/out, and more so you can play how you want
  • Ultra-Bright LED Display - Easily read your display at any distance with the Viper 850’s premium LED display
  • Included Accessories - Comes with six starter soft tip darts, throw line, throw line measuring tape, mounting hardware, 24 spare dart tips, and AC adapter
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